Car Accident and Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car Accident and Common Causes of Car Accidents

Here you can get What is a Car Accident, Common Causes of Car Accidents, What to Do After a Car Accident and Penalties for Car Accidents ect. Noun. A collision that occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, a stationary object, a pedestrian, or an animal.

A car accident takes place when a car, truck, or bus, or other motorized vehicle hits another vehicle, person, or object, like a tree or power pole. Car accidents have serious consequences including property damage, injury, and death, all of which are likely to cost someone a lot of money. When a private causes a car accident within the us , he could also be held liable for damages and injuries caused by the wreck.

What is a Car Accident

A car accident takes place when a car, truck, or bus, or other motorized vehicle hits another vehicle, person, or object, like a tree or power pole. Car accidents have serious consequences including property damage, injury, and death, all of which are likely to cost someone a lot of money. When a private causes a car accident within the us , he could also be held liable for damages and injuries caused by the wreck.

When a person is involved during a car accident within the us , they’ll be held responsible for any damages or injuries that occur as a result. Traffic laws vary by jurisdiction, and a driver who causes an accident by violating any of those laws, is usually determined to be at-fault for the accident, and held responsible for damages.

Common Causes of Car Accidents

There are virtually a vast number of causes of car accidents. Weather and road conditions are a common cause of many car accidents, but many accidents are caused by failure of a driver to stay his attention to the road, and operation of his vehicle. Understanding the factors that contribute to car accidents can help drivers avoid them. a number of the foremost common causes of car accidents include:

  • Speeding – Failure to follow the legal speed limit is perhaps one of the leading causes of car accidents that occur within the us . Driving faster than what’s considered safe for the road conditions is considered speeding, regardless of the posted speed limit.
  • Using a Device – Texting or talking while driving, or even playing with a phone, music player, or GPS device, increases the extent of danger on the road, as drivers become distracted. many nations have begun passing laws prohibiting phone use while driving, and a few have expanded these “cell phone laws” to include any distracting activity. These are called “distracted driving laws.”
  • Driver Fatigue – Driving while extremely tired can cause falling into a trans-like state, or maybe falling asleep at the wheel. When a driver nods off or falls asleep, there’s a really high chance of becoming involved during a car accident.
  • Drunk Driving – Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is dangerous, and often fatal. Drinking and driving, increases the probability of causing a car accident is increased by 900% over other drivers.
  • Defective Auto Parts – When a neighborhood on a vehicle is flawed or goes bad, it can cause the vehicle to work in an unsafe manner. Common defects include brake issues, defects in tires, defective air bags, top-heavy design, and more. When an accident does occur, defective safety features can increase the prospect of great injury or death.
  • Rubbernecking – Drivers watching things along the roadway, like sunsets, traffic accidents, flashy billboards, and other things, are distracted, and commonly cause accidents.
  • Poor weather – weather that leave the roadway wet or icy, or reduce visibility, pose a danger to vehicles on the road, and need drivers to pay extra attention, and to hamper . High winds, blowing dust, fog, and torrential downpours are common causes of accidents.

Liability for a Car Accident

Liability for a car accident is determined by many factors, including the specific circumstances that led to the accident, and whether one of the drivers violated any traffic laws. for example, if John is speeding or runs a red light and strikes Mary’s car due to his negligence, he is likely to be found liable for the damages or injuries that occur.

Some states use the concept of negligence . this is often a system during which both parties to an accident are considered to possess been a minimum of partially guilty , and therefore the court assigns each party a percentage of fault. The drivers would then be responsible for a percentage of the entire damages, adequate to the share of fault assigned.

For example:

Jacob is speeding on his thanks to work, going 50 mpg during a 30 mph speed zone. Richard runs a stop sign even as Jacob sails through the intersection, and therefore the two cars collide. In court, as both parties are trying to gather damages for repairs to their vehicles, and medical bills, the court determines that Jacob is 40 percent guilty , and Richard 60 percent guilty for the collision. The court also determines there are total losses within the amount of $10,000. Jacob would be liable for $4,000, and Richard for $6,000. Once Jacob’s amount is taken into consideration, Richard owes Jacob $2,000.

Penalties for Car Accidents

A driver who causes a car accident may face civil and criminal penalties, depending on the circumstances. Accidents caused by a driver’s negligence, like failing to look before backing out of a parking stall, reaching for something that fell off the seat, or failing to scale back speed when the road is wet, commonly subject the driving force to civil penalties, when the opposite driver files a civil lawsuit.

A driver who causes an accident by breaking certain traffic laws, or when driving under the influence, may face criminal charges. Penalties for conviction of criminal charges may include arrest, fines, jail or prison time, and a suspended license. If another person dies as a results of the accident, the accused driver could also be charged with vehicular manslaughter, or involuntary manslaughter, which carry harsher penalties.

In addition to prosecution , such a driver will likely face a civil lawsuit also. The victim of a car accident can file a civil lawsuit seeking damages for loss of property, injuries, loss of earnings, and more. If the victim died as a results of the accident, his family can file a civil lawsuit for death. this enables a surviving loved one sue the at-fault driver to receive compensation.

What to Do After a Car Accident

It is not uncommon for a driver in a car accident to panic, or not know what to do. When injuries occur, emotions run high, and therefore the people involved often forget to take important steps. it’s vital for drivers to know what to do after a car accident, to prevent further injuries, and to avoid breaking the law. After a car accident, all drivers involved should do the following:

  • Remain at the Scene – all drivers involved during a car accident should remain at the scene until police say it’s okay to leave. In some jurisdictions, police don’t answer car accidents in which nobody is injured, so drivers are required to tug over to a secure place, exchange insurance and contact information, and go their ways. Leaving the scene of a automobile accident without exchanging information may be a crime.
  • Check for Injuries – check to make certain everyone involved is uninjured. If anyone is injured, call 9-1-1 for help. don’t move injured parties, as this might cause more injuries. Once the police do arrive, ask to file a police report just in case the insurance companies or the courts need it.
  • Collect Information – all drivers should gather the names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance information from all other drivers involved. it’s also an honest idea to require a picture of the other driver’s license, and car place . Additionally, it’s an honest idea to collect contact information from witnesses to the accident.
  • Take Photos – once most are safe, it’s an honest idea to require pictures of all vehicles involved, also because the area where the accident occurred. Emergency authorities in most jurisdictions prefer that, if there are not any injuries, the drivers move the vehicles to a secure place nearby, like a good shoulder or a parking zone .
  • Make an Insurance Report – as soon as possible after the accident, all drivers should notify their insurance companies of the accident. The insurance firm will inform their insured of subsequent steps to follow.
  • Gather Bills and Repair Estimates – it’s important to stay track of expenses associated with property damages and injuries caused by the accident. This includes obtaining medical bills, written estimates or receipts for damage repair, and other documentation.
  • Obtain Counsel – in some cases, especially if there are injuries or an excellent deal of property damage, the hiring of an experienced attorney is suggested . this is often very true if a driver faces criminal charges associated with the accident.

Related Legal Terms and Issues

  • Civil Lawsuit – A lawsuit caused in court when one person claims to possess suffered a loss thanks to the actions of another person.
  • Criminal Charges – a formal accusation by a prosecuting authority that a private has committed a crime.
  • Guardian ad Litem – A trustee appointed by the court to represent the interests of a child or incompetent adult during a action .
  • Jurisdiction – The legal authority to listen to legal cases and make judgments; the geographical region of authority to enforce justice.
  • Liable – Responsible by law; to be held legally in charge of an act or omission.
  • Monetary Damages – Money ordered by the court to be paid to a private or entity as compensation for injury or loss caused by the wrongdoing of another party.
  • Victim – a person who is injured, killed, or otherwise harmed as a results of a criminal act, accident, or other event.
  • death – The death of a private caused by the willful or negligent actions of another person.


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