What Is the Acceleration Principle and Economy

There is a great deal more to using a car’s power than meets the attention. A car shouldn’t be driven hard or its performance abused, but power used wisely, within the right place at the proper time, are often the safest course of action. When confronted with a hazard, it are often preferable to accelerate away instead of brake or steer your answer of trouble.

Considering the efforts of car manufacturers to improve performance, and therefore the importance which many car buyers attach thereto , it’s surprising how rarely this response is employed by drivers. Moments do arise, like during overtaking, when a car should be driven to the full extent of its potential, as more force with the proper foot could keep a driver out of trouble rather than getting him into it.

Acceleration Principle

The acceleration principle is an economic concept that draws a connection between changing consumption patterns and capital investment. It states that if appetitefor consumer goods increases, demand for equipment and other investments necessary to make these goods will grow even more. In other words, if a population’s income increases and its residents, as a result, begin to consume more, there will be a corresponding but magnified change in investment. https://feb62fdb08720e699bc052652f0fb7ad.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

The acceleration principle is also referred to as the accelerator principle or the accelerator effect.

Acceleration and overtaking

Unless you’re traveling on a motorway or a dual carriageway, you’ve got to move to the ‘wrong’ side of the road once you wish to overtake. this is a particularly dangerous place to be, and therefore the longer you’re there the longer you’re exposed to the likelihood of meeting oncoming traffic. it’s absolutely essential to understand exactly your car’s acceleration potential, because you’ll end up in serious trouble if you expect quite it can give.

If you are feeling that you simply got to explore the capabilities of your car, find a deserted stretch of road with no low speed limits and put your car through its paces. If the car’s instruments include a rev counter, use this to get the utmost speeds possible within the lower gears ; if there’s no rev counter, the manufacturer’s handbook will tell you the utmost speeds possible in each gear. Try a few of runs to seek out out what the car can take in order that you recognize how the engine sounds when it’s close to its limit. you’ll probably be surprised just what proportion acceleration is out there , even from a modest car, and it’ll offer you a clear idea of what power to expect once you actually need it.

You will normally not got to push the car to its maximum once you overtake, but you ought to still get by as quickly as seems safe and reasonable, from both your own point of view and that of the overtaken driver. Always select the proper gear before beginning to overtake. With a five-speed gearbox this is often usually fourth or third, but second could also be better if the vehicle before you is traveling quite slowly (many cars can exceed 60mph during this gear). With a four-speed gearbox, third is the usual overtaking gear but many situations will demand second.

As you begin the man oeuvre, apply the power smoothly; opening the throttle sharply is clumsy, and on a slippery road could cause the wheels to interrupt traction (creating the wheel spin which will cause a skid). It need to be possible to finish the passing man oeuvre without changing up a gear until you’ve got returned safely to the left-hand side of the road. If you’re doing need to change up while you are overtaking, do so swiftly but smoothly, since releasing the clutch savagely can have an equivalent effect as depressing the accelerator too suddenly.

Acceleration sense and economy

Acceleration sense must be acquired by every driver. this is often the ability to judge, almost as habit , whether you’ll safely perform a man oeuvre and, having decided that you simply can, to form full use of your car’s power while still driving safely. Acceleration sense comes only from experience and familiarity with the car you drive. Sensitivity in controlling the throttle is required to produce good acceleration sense, and for this reason you ought to always wear sensible shoes when driving. Many advanced drivers adopt the superb habit of keeping a pair of thin-soled shoes within the car especially for driving in order that they will exercise a fragile touch on the accelerator.

The way you drive features a dramatic effect on fuel economy, which is vital to most folks . Without reducing journey times, a mean motorist covering 12,000 miles annually could save as much as £100 a year on fuel by showing more sensitivity in his use of brake and accelerator pedals. Ramming the accelerator to the ground , revving too high and driving impatiently all spend fuel more quickly. Some drivers could also make a big saving by abandoning the pointless habit of revving up the engine with the gearbox in neutral.

If road conditions are bad enough, harsh use of the accelerator can cause an accident . Most cars have sufficient power to spin the wheels if the road is wet enough. Even when moving off at traffic lights or from junctions, the mixture of releasing the clutch too suddenly and applying too much pressure on the throttle can set the wheels spinning. The reaction of a front-wheel drive car are going to be a shudder, the noise of the engine racing and possibly some unnerving side-to-side tugging through the steering. A rear-wheel drive car can react more unpredictably, for wheel spin at the rear can cause the car’s tail end to start out sliding round during a slow-motion skid which must be corrected with opposite lock steering. in all cars, whether the power goes through the front or rear wheels, your action should be to require your foot off the throttle then re-apply power more gently.

Warming the engine

Before we leave the subject of acceleration, it should be mentioned that your car may respond less willingly before its engine has warmed up. Sudden opening of the throttle too soon after a cold start in the morning may cause the engine to falter, as if it is gasping for breath, or in an extreme case may even result in a stall . Having a manual choke on the wrong setting will make the engine even more sluggish. It is even more important than normal, therefore, to operate the accelerator progressively, and avoid demanding more from the engine than it is capable of giving. Be especially vigilant when pulling away from junctions and at roundabouts, especially if traffic is heavy. No car likes to be revved hard before its oil has had a chance to warm up, so let it reach running temperature in its own time.


Become familiar with your car’s acceleration ability, but use all the power available only when absolutely necessary. Develop your acceleration sense so you know instinctively when a man oeuvre, such as overtaking, can be carried out safely. Use as much power (in the most suitable gear) as seems safe and reasonable when overtaking. Treat the accelerator pedal sensitively; smooth and progressive acceleration is safer than sudden movement on the throttle, and you use less fuel too.


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