How to Add Extra Car Speakers

How to Add Extra Car Speakers

Here you can get How to add extra car speakers and Wiring Speaker system, Choosing speakers and Faber control.

The standard twin-speaker car stereo system has one obvious drawback. If you mount the speakers on the rear shelf, to listen to the sound clearly you regularly need to happen the quantity to A level that’s too loud for the rear seat passengers.

Conversely, if the speakers are fitted at the front of the car – and that they are usually low down within the door panels – the sound within the back are often muffled by the seats.

All-round sound

The solution to this problem is to fit a four-speaker system, with two speakers mounted within the front and two within the rear.

For the front of the car you’ll probably find that the door panels are the simplest, if not the sole, location available, though some cars have speaker positions built into all sides of the dash. In the rear of the car you’ll again mount the speakers within the doors (or the side panels on a two-door car), or on or under the parcel shelf.

Choosing speakers

Whether you are fitting four new speakers, or just adding an extra pair to your existing system, the choice is vast. Below are some old speakers and fader controls from Pioneer. A TS-VX700 is a surface-mounted wedge-type rear speaker. B TS-R800 mounts into the rear parcel shelf. C TS-X30 is a surface-mounted rear speaker. D TS-1612 flush-mounted speaker for use in front or rear locations. E AD-940 fader control. F UD-780A fader control.

There is a huge variety of speakers to settle on from – generally you ought to buy the simplest quality speakers you’ll afford.

Make sure that the speakers you buy are capable of handling the facility output of your radio-cassette or graphic equalizer – if you’ve got a 30 watts per channel unit, the speakers must be capable of handling a minimum of that quantity and preferably a touch more. But don’t put 100 watt speakers on a ten watt radio-cassette – the amplifier won’t have the facility to drive the speakers cleanly, and therefore the sound are going to be muffled and distorted.

Fader control

Finally, if your radio-cassette or graphic equalizer isn’t specially designed to run four speakers, you’ll got to fit a front-to-rear fader control. This unit allows you to regulate the balance between the front and rear pairs of speakers.

Installing car speakers

1. Front speakers

The usual position for the front speakers is within the front entrance panels and you’ll find a built-in mounting for the speakers behind the panels. You’ll sometimes also fit them to the kick panels situated within the foot wells although they’re at more risk of getting wet or knocked during this position.

2. Rear speakers

In saloon cars the rear speakers are best fitted to the rear parcel shelf. With hatchbacks and estates you’ll fit them to the rear side panels or small side shelves often found within the rear compartment, but confirm they can not get knocked by any luggage. Again, the panels may have built-in mountings.

3. Fit speakers

Choose a fitting position where the speakers won’t obstruct the other components. Mark and cut out the trim from the panels or parcel shelf. Drill any securing holes and slot in the speakers. Secure the speakers and fit the wiring to them at this stage (see Projects 5).

4. Fader control

Position the fader control so you’ll easily reach it from the driver’s seat and mark the screw hole positions. Drill the holes and secure the switch using self-tapping screws.

5. Wiring to fader

Disconnect the battery to avoid any short circuits. Find the speaker wires where they emerge from the radio/ cassette unit. Identify the input terminals on the fader switch then join the wires from the left- and right-hand channels of the cassette unit to their respective terminals on the fader switch.

6. Fader to speakers

Run the four pairs of positive and negative wires — one pair from each speaker—to the fader switch. ask the switch fitting instructions and find the output terminals on the switch. Connect each speaker wire to its respective output switch terminal. Reconnect the battery and test the system.

Wiring a car speaker system

This is a typical wiring diagram for a four-speaker system. The four speaker wires from the radio/cassette unit, which are used for the normal two-speaker arrangement, are first connected to the fader switch input terminals. From the switch output terminals a pair of wires, one positive and one negative, are connected to each speaker. If a graphic equalizer is fitted to the system you should connect the fader unit between the equalizer and the speakers.


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