Advanced Driving

Tips for Driving Safely in the Wet Weather

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Here you can get Driving Safely in the Wet Weather. Here we provide tips for Drive Slowly, Avoid cruise control and Avoid standing water ect.

Driving within the rain is an everyday occurrence. Rain happens all the time, and people still need to go places even when it’s wet on the roads. But wet weather driving are often hazardous, causing skids, hydroplaning, and slick roads. It are often tough to stay control of your vehicle when roadways are wet, but these tips can assist you stay safer. Follow these tips to tackle rainy roads like an expert — and know when it’s smart to avoid driving, turn around, or steer to attend for the rain to pass.

Make It Easier To See

One of the things we don’t realise is how quickly our vision of the road can be hampered when driving within the rain. this is often why we always got to keep the front and rear windshield clean in the least times. Wipers help in a big thanks to keep things clear and safe while the AC helps in circulating fresh air and stops the windows from fogging up. the better your vision, the better you’ll be able to drive.

Keep Your Shoes Dry

We have all experienced wet shoes on a metal surface (manhole cover) and how friction becomes a distant dream. in the same way, you are likely to enter your car with wet shoes during the monsoons and using those shoes to regulate the accelerator, brake, and clutch might be a daunting task. This is where a good quality rubber mat comes in and may help you quickly dry off your shoes so you’ll drive safely. If you’re more concerned about the aesthetics of your shoes, you’ll pull a cap over your shoes to keep them from getting wet and dirty.

Always Drive Slowly

No matter how new your tyres are or how experienced a driver you consider yourself, there’s no predicting what your car goes to try to to in wet conditions. Not only do the monsoons bring lower visibility, but they also introduce drivers to hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is when a really thin film of water forms between the road and your tyres which causes the car to skid.

This usually happens when the vehicle is moving at higher speeds as the tread on the tyres don’t have enough time to probe the surface of the road. that’s why it’s best to drive at lower speeds than usual. This also assist you control the car better if the vehicle in front of you slows down. Usually, the roads get extremely slippery during the primary rains because the already existing oils on the road are released by the rain and floats above the moisture layer. Driving slowly during this time is the best advice you’ll get or give.

Try And Stay In The Middle

Roads are designed with drains on the sides so that excess build-up of rain or water are often quickly removed. On Indian roads however, those drains are usually clogged and not functioning within the way they were planned. this suggests that enormous amounts of water usually collect on the sides of the roads instead of the center . So, if you would like to drive safer during the monsoon, you ought to prefer to drive somewhere near the middle of the road. once you drive on the edges , you not only take the danger of driving into large potholes and flooding the engine, but other cars could quite easily splash water onto your car and windshield making it very difficult to ascertain what’s before you.

Turn the headlights on

Visibility becomes a serious challenge during rain. Turning your headlights on during rain helps improve the visibility. Many states and counties have laws which make it mandatory to turn lights on during a downpour.

Increase your following distance

It is always safer to extend the space between your car and therefore the vehicle ahead of you during wet weather. this is often because, the danger of collision increases during rains thanks to slick roads, less visibility and even wet brakes. With more room , you’ll brake gently and with reduced force.

Try to drive on tracks of vehicles ahead of you

It is a smart move to drive on the tracks left by the vehicle ahead of you. That vehicle has already displaced any standing water and made driving safer for you. You might as well take advantage of it.

Avoid standing water

The risk of hydroplaning increases when driving through standing water. This increases the chances of a skid and your car losing traction. Driving around it if possible or driving extremely slowly is that the smartest move here.

Avoid cruise control

Cruise control is an awesome feature to use in dry conditions but it increases the danger of losing control over the car in wet conditions. you regularly got to reduce the car’s speed by lifting off the accelerator in wet weather but this can’t be accomplished with control in operation. Turning it off will provides a driver more control and options and thus will help maximize the security.

Pull Over And Wait

While driving during a drizzle or light rain isn’t that scary, heavier showers are often daunting for the not-so-experienced drivers on the road. If you are feeling just like the visibility is becoming worse every minute and therefore the rain doesn’t ease up, the best thing you’ll do is locate an open space, pull over, and stop for a short time . Check to ascertain that there are not any trees or poles around as lightning might be another problem for you. Once the rain has subsided or stopped and you feel like you’re able to revisit on the road, perform the equipment check listed above and you’ll be okay.

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